New in Denmark.

Find your way in the Danish Health Care System once you have a cpr number.

If you have received your yellow card and have a ‘cpr’ number, you are entitled to health care in the Danish Health care system.

GP: Your General Practitioner, goes under titles as ‘Egen Læge’, ‘Familielæge’ etc. You will either have one appointed or you can go to and see who has availability and choose a doctor. There is a fee for changing your GP. The GP that you currently have, is mentioned with the clinic name, address and phone number on your yellow card. Our clinic name is ‘Familielægen Vordingborggade’.

In Denmark it requires a specialization to become a GP, which means your GP with a Danish Education, has been in different departments in the hospital and other General Practices and gathered broad experience in the medical and surgical fields that exist.

Chronic illnesses: If you are new to Denmark and have prescriptions from other countries, make sure to make an appointment with the doctor to introduce yourself and go through your medical history and current medications. Together you will decide the frequency of check-ups in the future.

Prescriptions: Once your doctor has made a prescription, it can be picked up in any pharmacy (Apotek), by showing your yellow card at the

Referrals: In Denmark the GP can take care of a lot of things in the clinic and you might meet a different culture of making referrals. In Denmark you don’t need referrals to the ear-nose and throat specialists (ØNH-læge) or eye specialists (øjenlæge). You can contact anyone from your on-line search and make an appointment. The treatment with specialists is free with a referral. If have been referred to a psychologist/physical therapist, you will be charged a smaller fee. You can find info about that on the website of your chosen health care provider. If you have a private insurance, either through your work or personally, they may cover the whole charge. You can call your insurance company and talk to them, once you’ve been referred.

1813: In Region Hovedstaden you can contact 1813, if you have an emergency medical condition after 4 pm on week days and on weekends and holidays.

112: Is to be contacted if you have a life threatening condition. They can be contacted 24 hours every day of the year.

Mental health. There are multiple psychiatric emergency centers around Copenhagen. You can find their contact info on-line. You can call them 24 hours every day of the year. It is always a good idea to reach out to your GP, if you have signs of mental health issues. They can guide you to proper help.

Lastly, we recommend that you have a look at our website under ‘Practical Info’, for further info on different health related subjects.